2012 -2013 – Private Commission 3D Wall Mural (Coalville, Leicestershire)

2014-2015 – Private Collection Tree series mixed media (Leicestershire)

2012-2018, 2022 – Private Collections Paper Mache’ (different characters in mixed media)

July 2021 – Board Landscape painting for National Forest Northwest Leicestershire. Copies  are now displayed in Northwest Leicestershire towns and original board painting now at Conkers Park. Awarded Highly Commended 

July 2021 - Commissioned landscape mural (Windswept Peak) at Hermitage FM, Coalville

September 2021 – commissioned football mural (England Team) at the oldest pub in Coalville The Engineer’s Arms.

October 2021 – commissioned mural at The Peacock Inn, Loughborough

July, August, October 2021 – CelloArt Mural at Sence Valley Park bringing art with nature dedicated for the community

August – October 2021 – Exhibit at Sable Studio Gallery, Moira Furnace

July 2022 – Landscape Exhibit at Coalville CAN

August 2022 – invited at Heather Scarecrow Festival to do  CelloArt Mural for the festival

August 2022 – Exhibit at Dame Catherine Art Exhibition, Ticknal, Derby

November 2022 - Collaboration Wall Art with local artist dedicated to the National Forest at Hermitage FM

November 2022- Interactive Wall Art at Coalville Motors Ltd 

December 2022 - Art Exhibit with other artists for 1000 Angels Art Installation at St Wlfrid Church Barrow upon Trent

2017-present – Private Collections Portraits (oil and acrylic) – London, Kent, Bath, Leicestershire, USA